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Product Options

Product options are like delightful add-ons that enhance your menu items! Think of them as extra toppings, sauce choices, size changes, and more. They give you the power to personalize your offerings and cater to different tastes.

NameWhat you call this extra choice (e.g., “Extra Cheese,” “Spicy Sauce,” “Large”).
Reporting CodeA custom label to track how often this option is chosen in your reports (optional).
Custom ColorPick a color to help you identify this option when taking orders and in reports.
Option Quantity:Decide if customers can choose just one (e.g., “Sauce”) or multiple of this option (e.g., “Toppings”).
Price Modifier:Choose how this option affects the price:
  • Off: No price change.
  • Fixed Amount: Add a set amount (e.g., $0.50 for extra cheese).
  • Percentage: Increase the price by a percentage (e.g., 10% for a larger size). |
Designate Worklist:Send work items related to this option to a specific worklist (e.g., “Kitchen Prep”).
Enable Inventory:If you track inventory, enable this to make sure choosing this option takes the needed ingredients out of your stock.

Remember: Get creative with options to add value and cater to your customers’ unique preferences!

Organizing Options with Categories: Keeping it Tidy! ️

Product option categories are like kitchen shelves that help you organize your add-ons in a logical way. Think of them as groups like “Toppings,” “Sizes,” or “Sides.” Categories connect product options to specific products and variants, making it easy to manage your menu.

NameGive your category a clear name (e.g., “Cheese Toppings,” “Drink Sizes,” “Extra Sides”).
Quantity:Choose the minimum and maximum number of options customers can pick from this category (e.g., 1-2 toppings, 1 size per drink).
Custom ColorPick a color to quickly identify this category while taking orders and in reports.
Exclude from Stores:If you have multiple locations, you can hide this category in specific stores (e.g., exclude large sizes for smaller cafes).

Example: Imagine you have a “Pizza” product with a “Toppings” category. You can set the “Quantity” to 1-3, meaning customers can choose 1 to 3 toppings from the “Toppings” category for their pizza.

By mastering categories and options, you’ll create a flexible and delicious menu that satisfies every craving!