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Advanced permissions

Tailoring Access for Enhanced Control: Advanced Permissions

QUEUE’s Advanced Permissions feature empowers you to fine-tune user access rights, ensuring only authorized individuals can perform specific actions within the system.

Key Concepts:

  • Permission Groups: Create groups containing specific permissions.
  • Non-Manager Staff Assignment: Assign non-managerial staff to appropriate permission groups.

Available Permissions:

Permission CategoryDescription
Order ManagementViewing, executing, modifying, and deleting orders.
Payment HandlingHandling order payments, discounts, service charges, and cash drawer access.
ReportingAccessing reporting features for analyzing sales and performance data.
Closing ProceduresPerforming full or partial closings of the store’s financial records.
TimesheetsClocking in and out for staff scheduling and time tracking.
System SettingsAccessing modules for managing store configuration, devices, and other options.
Inventory ManagementHandling inventory tracking, stock counts, and inventory adjustments.

Best Practices:

  • Regular Review: Periodically review permission assignments.
  • Principle of Least Privilege: Grant users the minimum permissions required.
  • Clear Documentation: Maintain clear documentation of permission assignments.

By strategically implementing Advanced Permissions, you can create a more secure, efficient, and well-organized QUEUE environment.