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Item availability

This page is where you can easily control the availability of your menu items either in your POS or external services.

Menu items and Product options

Select either Items for menu items or Product options for product option items to be displayed.

Item selector

On the left hand side is a list of all your available categories, select a category to see the items belonging to this category.



Each card represent a product and each variant is listed below. Press on the Edit icon next to the variant name to change the item availability.

Change item availability

Toggle Suspended to indicate if an item is currently available for sale. Use the checkboxes to select which platforms the changes should apply to. Suspend

Variant quantity

Variant quantity

If Variant quantity functionality is enabled, you can toggle this function on for a selected variant. When enabled staff will not be able to order this variant if the quantity reaches zero. Tab the Variant quantity indicator to change the current quantity on hand.

Product options

Change item availability

Toggle Suspended to indicate if an item is currently available for sale. Use the checkboxes to select which platforms the changes should apply to.