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Reporting API

Access to the reporting API is handle by cube.js which allows for optimal performance, pre-aggregation and access control. Request can be done through a REST API or any of the provided client libraries such as React, Vue or Web sockets. See [] for more details on available integration libraries.


Request base url


Start by obtaining an access token. The access token must be included in the header for all requests. See the previous chapter for more information.

A request can also include a query param that is interpreted by the API, translated to SQL and which returns a response with the relevant json data.

Request example

A simple request to count all orders

Terminal window
curl --request GET '{"measures":["orders.count"]}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOi...'\

Response example

"data": [
"orders.count": 19461
"query": {

Meta data

Retrieve a list of all cubes, dimensions and measures

Terminal window

Time zone

By default QUEUE API will queries and results will be UTC timezone, but a timezone parameter can be provided:

Terminal window
curl --request GET '{"timezone": "Europe/Berlin", "measures":["orders.count"]}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOi...'\

to use a specific timezone.

## Examples
### Get list of orders
curl --request GET '{"dimensions": ["orders.paid_at", "orders.status", "orders.amount"], "limit": 2, "order": [["orders.paid_at", "desc"]]}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUz...' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
"data": [
"orders.paid_at": "2023-10-18T02:37:01.234",
"orders.status": "paid",
"orders.amount": 150
"orders.paid_at": "2023-09-01T04:46:30.896",
"orders.status": "paid",
"orders.amount": 180
"query": {

Get list of line items with order and quantity in date range

Terminal window
curl --request GET '{"dimensions": ["", "orders.paid_at", "orders.status", "orders.amount","", "", "line_items.quantity"], "filters": [{"member": "orders.paid_at", "operator": "inDateRange", "values": ["2023-10-01", "2023-11-01"] }], "order": [["orders.paid_at", "asc"]], "limit": 3}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOi...'
"data": [
"": "4WGOlrQUA9Tq8-HA6cGBtC",
"orders.paid_at": "2023-10-18T02:37:01.234",
"orders.status": "paid",
"orders.amount": 150,
"": "Coffee",
"": "Large",
"line_items.quantity": 1
"query": {